Getting Started

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CircleCI Scality CI



Building and running the Scality Zenko CloudServer requires node.js 6.9.5 and npm v3 . Up-to-date versions can be found at Nodesource.

Clone source code

git clone

Install js dependencies

Go to the ./S3 folder,

npm install

Run it with a file backend

npm start

This starts an Zenko CloudServer on port 8000. Two additional ports 9990 and 9991 are also open locally for internal transfer of metadata and data, respectively.

The default access key is accessKey1 with a secret key of verySecretKey1.

By default the metadata files will be saved in the localMetadata directory and the data files will be saved in the localData directory within the ./S3 directory on your machine. These directories have been pre-created within the repository. If you would like to save the data or metadata in different locations of your choice, you must specify them with absolute paths. So, when starting the server:

mkdir -m 700 $(pwd)/myFavoriteDataPath
mkdir -m 700 $(pwd)/myFavoriteMetadataPath
export S3DATAPATH="$(pwd)/myFavoriteDataPath"
export S3METADATAPATH="$(pwd)/myFavoriteMetadataPath"
npm start

Run it with multiple data backends

export S3DATA='multiple'
npm start

This starts an Zenko CloudServer on port 8000. The default access key is accessKey1 with a secret key of verySecretKey1.

With multiple backends, you have the ability to choose where each object will be saved by setting the following header with a locationConstraint on a PUT request:


If no header is sent with a PUT object request, the location constraint of the bucket will determine where the data is saved. If the bucket has no location constraint, the endpoint of the PUT request will be used to determine location.

See the Configuration section below to learn how to set location constraints.

Run it with an in-memory backend

npm run mem_backend

This starts an Zenko CloudServer on port 8000. The default access key is accessKey1 with a secret key of verySecretKey1.

Run it for continuous integration testing or in production with Docker



You can run the unit tests with the following command:

npm test

You can run the multiple backend unit tests with:

CI=true S3DATA=multiple npm start
npm run multiple_backend_test

You can run the linter with:

npm run lint

Running functional tests locally:

For the AWS backend and Azure backend tests to pass locally, you must modify tests/locationConfigTests.json so that awsbackend specifies a bucketname of a bucket you have access to based on your credentials profile and modify “azurebackend” with details for your Azure account.

The test suite requires additional tools, s3cmd and Redis installed in the environment the tests are running in.

  • Install s3cmd
  • Install redis and start Redis.
  • Add localCache section to your config.json:
"localCache": {
    "host": REDIS_HOST,
    "port": REDIS_PORT

where REDIS_HOST is your Redis instance IP address ("" if your Redis is running locally) and REDIS_PORT is your Redis instance port (6379 by default)

  • Add the following to the etc/hosts file on your machine:
  • Start the Zenko CloudServer in memory and run the functional tests:
CI=true npm run mem_backend
CI=true npm run ft_test


There are three configuration files for your Scality Zenko CloudServer:

  1. conf/authdata.json, described above for authentication

  2. locationConfig.json, to set up configuration options for

    where data will be saved

  3. config.json, for general configuration options

Location Configuration

You must specify at least one locationConstraint in your locationConfig.json (or leave as pre-configured).

You must also specify ‘us-east-1’ as a locationConstraint so if you only define one locationConstraint, that would be it. If you put a bucket to an unknown endpoint and do not specify a locationConstraint in the put bucket call, us-east-1 will be used.

For instance, the following locationConstraint will save data sent to myLocationConstraint to the file backend:

"myLocationConstraint": {
    "type": "file",
    "legacyAwsBehavior": false,
    "details": {}

Each locationConstraint must include the type, legacyAwsBehavior, and details keys. type indicates which backend will be used for that region. Currently, mem, file, and scality are the supported backends. legacyAwsBehavior indicates whether the region will have the same behavior as the AWS S3 ‘us-east-1’ region. If the locationConstraint type is scality, details should contain connector information for sproxyd. If the locationConstraint type is mem or file, details should be empty.

Once you have your locationConstraints in your locationConfig.json, you can specify a default locationConstraint for each of your endpoints.

For instance, the following sets the localhost endpoint to the myLocationConstraint data backend defined above:

"restEndpoints": {
     "localhost": "myLocationConstraint"

If you would like to use an endpoint other than localhost for your Scality Zenko CloudServer, that endpoint MUST be listed in your restEndpoints. Otherwise if your server is running with a:

  • file backend: your default location constraint will be file
  • memory backend: your default location constraint will be mem


Note that our Zenko CloudServer supports both:

However, hosted-style requests will not hit the server if you are using an ip address for your host. So, make sure you are using path-style requests in that case. For instance, if you are using the AWS SDK for JavaScript, you would instantiate your client like this:

const s3 = new aws.S3({
   endpoint: '',
   s3ForcePathStyle: true,

Setting your own access key and secret key pairs

You can set credentials for many accounts by editing conf/authdata.json but if you want to specify one set of your own credentials, you can use SCALITY_ACCESS_KEY_ID and SCALITY_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables.


These variables specify authentication credentials for an account named “CustomAccount”.

Note: Anything in the authdata.json file will be ignored.


Scality with SSL

If you wish to use https with your local Zenko CloudServer, you need to set up SSL certificates. Here is a simple guide of how to do it.

Deploying Zenko CloudServer

First, you need to deploy Zenko CloudServer. This can be done very easily via our **DockerHub** page (you want to run it with a file backend).

Note: - If you don’t have docker installed on your machine, here are the `instructions to install it for your distribution <>`__

Updating your Zenko CloudServer container’s config

You’re going to add your certificates to your container. In order to do so, you need to exec inside your Zenko CloudServer container. Run a $> docker ps and find your container’s id (the corresponding image name should be scality/s3server. Copy the corresponding container id (here we’ll use 894aee038c5e, and run:

$> docker exec -it 894aee038c5e bash

You’re now inside your container, using an interactive terminal :)

Generate SSL key and certificates

There are 5 steps to this generation. The paths where the different files are stored are defined after the -out option in each command

# Generate a private key for your CSR
$> openssl genrsa -out ca.key 2048
# Generate a self signed certificate for your local Certificate Authority
$> openssl req -new -x509 -extensions v3_ca -key ca.key -out ca.crt -days 99999  -subj "/C=US/ST=Country/L=City/O=Organization/CN=scality.test"

# Generate a key for Zenko CloudServer
$> openssl genrsa -out test.key 2048
# Generate a Certificate Signing Request for S3 Server
$> openssl req -new -key test.key -out test.csr -subj "/C=US/ST=Country/L=City/O=Organization/CN=*.scality.test"
# Generate a local-CA-signed certificate for S3 Server
$> openssl x509 -req -in test.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out test.crt -days 99999 -sha256
Update Zenko CloudServer config.json

Add a certFilePaths section to ./config.json with the appropriate paths:

"certFilePaths": {
    "key": "./test.key",
    "cert": "./test.crt",
    "ca": "./ca.crt"
Run your container with the new config

First, you need to exit your container. Simply run $> exit. Then, you need to restart your container. Normally, a simple $> docker restart s3server should do the trick.

Update your host config

Associates local IP addresses with hostname

In your /etc/hosts file on Linux, OS X, or Unix (with root permissions), edit the line of localhost so it looks like this:      localhost s3.scality.test
Copy the local certificate authority from your container

In the above commands, it’s the file named ca.crt. Choose the path you want to save this file at (here we chose /root/ca.crt), and run something like:

$> docker cp 894aee038c5e:/usr/src/app/ca.crt /root/ca.crt

Test your config

If you do not have aws-sdk installed, run $> npm install aws-sdk. In a test.js file, paste the following script:

const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const fs = require('fs');
const https = require('https');

const httpOptions = {
    agent: new https.Agent({
        // path on your host of the self-signed certificate
        ca: fs.readFileSync('./ca.crt', 'ascii'),

const s3 = new AWS.S3({
    accessKeyId: 'accessKey1',
    secretAccessKey: 'verySecretKey1',
    // The endpoint must be s3.scality.test, else SSL will not work
    endpoint: 'https://s3.scality.test:8000',
    sslEnabled: true,
    // With this setup, you must use path-style bucket access
    s3ForcePathStyle: true,

const bucket = 'cocoriko';

s3.createBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, err => {
    if (err) {
        return console.log('err createBucket', err);
    return s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket: bucket }, err => {
        if (err) {
            return console.log('err deleteBucket', err);
        return console.log('SSL is cool!');

Now run that script with $> nodejs test.js. If all goes well, it should output SSL is cool!. Enjoy that added security!