S3 compatible backends

Adding support in Zenko’s Cloudserver

This is the easiest case for backend support integration: there is nothing to do but configuration! Follow the steps described in our Using Public Clouds as data backends and make sure you:

  • set details.awsEndpoint to your storage provider endpoint;
  • use details.credentials and not details.credentialsProfile to set your credentials for that S3-compatible backend.

For example, if you’re using a Wasabi bucket as a backend, then your region definition for that backend will look something like:

"wasabi-bucket-zenkobucket": {
"type": "aws_s3",
"legacyAwsBehavior": true,
"details": {
"awsEndpoint": "s3.wasabisys.com",
"bucketName": "zenkobucket",
"bucketMatch": true,
"credentials": {
"accessKey": "\\{YOUR_WASABI_ACCESS_KEY}",
"secretKey": "\\{YOUR_WASABI_SECRET_KEY}"

Adding support in Zenko Orbit

This can only be done by our core developpers’ team. If that’s what you’re after, open a feature request on the Zenko repository, and we will get back to you after we evaluate feasability and maintainability.