Using Public Clouds as data backends


As stated in our GETTING STARTED guide, new data backends can be added by creating a region (also called location constraint) with the right endpoint and credentials. This section of the documentation shows you how to set up our currently supported public cloud backends:

For each public cloud backend, you will have to edit your CloudServer locationConfig.json and do a few setup steps on the applicable public cloud backend.

AWS S3 as a data backend

From the AWS S3 Console (or any AWS S3 CLI tool)

Create a bucket where you will host your data for this new location constraint. This bucket must have versioning enabled:

  • This is an option you may choose to activate at step 2 of Bucket Creation in the Console;
  • With AWS CLI, use put-bucket-versioning from the s3api commands on your bucket of choice;
  • Using other tools, please refer to your tool’s documentation.

In this example, our bucket will be named zenkobucket and has versioning enabled.

From the CloudServer repository


Edit this file to add a new location constraint. This location constraint will contain the information for the AWS S3 bucket to which you will be writing your data whenever you create a CloudServer bucket in this location. There are a few configurable options here:

  • type : set to aws_s3 to indicate this location constraint is writing data to AWS S3;
  • legacyAwsBehavior : set to true to indicate this region should behave like AWS S3 us-east-1 region, set to false to indicate this region should behave like any other AWS S3 region;
  • bucketName : set to an existing bucket in your AWS S3 Account; this is the bucket in which your data will be stored for this location constraint;
  • awsEndpoint : set to your bucket’s endpoint, usually;
  • bucketMatch : set to true if you want your object name to be the same in your local bucket and your AWS S3 bucket; set to false if you want your object name to be of the form {{localBucketName}}/{{objectname}} in your AWS S3 hosted bucket;
  • credentialsProfile and credentials are two ways to provide your AWS S3 credentials for that bucket, use only one of them :
    • credentialsProfile : set to the profile name allowing you to access your AWS S3 bucket from your ~/.aws/credentials file;
    • credentials : set the two fields inside the object (accessKey and secretKey) to their respective values from your AWS credentials.
"aws-test": {
    "type": "aws_s3",
    "legacyAwsBehavior": true,
    "details": {
        "awsEndpoint": "",
        "bucketName": "zenkobucket",
        "bucketMatch": true,
        "credentialsProfile": "zenko"
"aws-test": {
    "type": "aws_s3",
    "legacyAwsBehavior": true,
    "details": {
        "awsEndpoint": "",
        "bucketName": "zenkobucket",
        "bucketMatch": true,
        "credentials": {
            "accessKey": "WHDBFKILOSDDVF78NPMQ",
            "secretKey": "87hdfGCvDS+YYzefKLnjjZEYstOIuIjs/2X72eET"


If you set bucketMatch to true, we strongly advise that you only have one local bucket per AWS S3 location. Without bucketMatch set to false, your object names in your AWS S3 bucket will not be prefixed with your Cloud Server bucket name. This means that if you put an object foo to your CloudServer bucket zenko1 and you then put a different foo to your CloudServer bucket zenko2 and both zenko1 and zenko2 point to the same AWS bucket, the second foo will overwrite the first foo.



If you explicitly set your accessKey and secretKey in the credentials object of your aws_s3 location in your locationConfig.json file, you may skip this section

Make sure your ~/.aws/credentials file has a profile matching the one defined in your locationConfig.json. Following our previous example, it would look like:


Start the server with the ability to write to AWS S3

Inside the repository, once all the files have been edited, you should be able to start the server and start writing data to AWS S3 through CloudServer.

# Start the server locally
$> S3DATA=multiple npm start

Run the server as a docker container with the ability to write to AWS S3


If you set the credentials object in your locationConfig.json file, you don’t need to mount your .aws/credentials file

Mount all the files that have been edited to override defaults, and do a standard Docker run; then you can start writing data to AWS S3 through CloudServer.

# Start the server in a Docker container
$> sudo docker run -d --name CloudServer \
-v $(pwd)/data:/usr/src/app/localData \
-v $(pwd)/metadata:/usr/src/app/localMetadata \
-v $(pwd)/locationConfig.json:/usr/src/app/locationConfig.json \
-v $(pwd)/conf/authdata.json:/usr/src/app/conf/authdata.json \
-v ~/.aws/credentials:/root/.aws/credentials \
-e S3DATA=multiple -e ENDPOINT=http://localhost -p 8000:8000
-d scality/s3server

Testing: put an object to AWS S3 using CloudServer

In order to start testing pushing to AWS S3, you will need to create a local bucket in the AWS S3 location constraint - this local bucket will only store the metadata locally, while both the data and any user metadata (x-amz-meta headers sent with a PUT object, and tags) will be stored on AWS S3. This example is based on all our previous steps.

# Create a local bucket storing data in AWS S3
$> s3cmd --host= mb s3://zenkobucket --region=aws-test
# Put an object to AWS S3, and store the metadata locally
$> s3cmd --host= put /etc/hosts s3://zenkobucket/testput
 upload: '/etc/hosts' -> 's3://zenkobucket/testput'  [1 of 1]
  330 of 330   100% in    0s   380.87 B/s  done
# List locally to check you have the metadata
$> s3cmd --host= ls s3://zenkobucket
 2017-10-23 10:26       330   s3://zenkobucket/testput

Then, from the AWS Console, if you go into your bucket, you should see your newly uploaded object:

AWS S3 Console upload example


Make sure your ~/.s3cfg file has credentials matching your local CloudServer credentials defined in conf/authdata.json. By default, the access key is accessKey1 and the secret key is verySecretKey1. For more informations, refer to our template ~/.s3cfg .

Pre-existing objects in your AWS S3 hosted bucket can unfortunately not be accessed by CloudServer at this time.

Make sure versioning is enabled in your remote AWS S3 hosted bucket. To check, using the AWS Console, click on your bucket name, then on “Properties” at the top, and then you should see something like this:

AWS Console showing versioning enabled

Microsoft Azure as a data backend

From the MS Azure Console

From your Storage Account dashboard, create a container where you will host your data for this new location constraint.

You will also need to get one of your Storage Account Access Keys, and to provide it to CloudServer. This can be found from your Storage Account dashboard, under “Settings, then “Access keys”.

In this example, our container will be named zenkontainer, and will belong to the zenkomeetups Storage Account.

From the CloudServer repository


Edit this file to add a new location constraint. This location constraint will contain the information for the MS Azure container to which you will be writing your data whenever you create a CloudServer bucket in this location. There are a few configurable options here:

  • type : set to azure to indicate this location constraint is writing data to MS Azure;
  • legacyAwsBehavior : set to true to indicate this region should behave like AWS S3 us-east-1 region, set to false to indicate this region should behave like any other AWS S3 region (in the case of MS Azure hosted data, this is mostly relevant for the format of errors);
  • azureStorageEndpoint : set to your storage account’s endpoint, usually https://{{storageAccountName}};
  • azureContainerName : set to an existing container in your MS Azure storage account; this is the container in which your data will be stored for this location constraint;
  • bucketMatch : set to true if you want your object name to be the same in your local bucket and your MS Azure container; set to false if you want your object name to be of the form {{localBucketName}}/{{objectname}} in your MS Azure container ;
  • azureStorageAccountName : the MS Azure Storage Account to which your container belongs;
  • azureStorageAccessKey : one of the Access Keys associated to the above defined MS Azure Storage Account.
"azure-test": {
    "type": "azure",
    "legacyAwsBehavior": false,
    "details": {
      "azureStorageEndpoint": "",
      "bucketMatch": true,
      "azureContainerName": "zenkontainer",
      "azureStorageAccountName": "zenkomeetups",
      "azureStorageAccessKey": "auhyDo8izbuU4aZGdhxnWh0ODKFP3IWjsN1UfFaoqFbnYzPj9bxeCVAzTIcgzdgqomDKx6QS+8ov8PYCON0Nxw=="


If you set bucketMatch to true, we strongly advise that you only have one local bucket per MS Azure location. Without bucketMatch set to false, your object names in your MS Azure container will not be prefixed with your Cloud Server bucket name. This means that if you put an object foo to your CloudServer bucket zenko1 and you then put a different foo to your CloudServer bucket zenko2 and both zenko1 and zenko2 point to the same MS Azure container, the second foo will overwrite the first foo.


You may export environment variables to override some of your locationConfig.json variable ; the syntax for them is {{region-name}}_{{ENV_VAR_NAME}}; currently, the available variables are those shown below, with the values used in the current example:

$> export azure-test_AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME="zenkomeetups"
$> export azure-test_AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY="auhyDo8izbuU4aZGdhxnWh0ODKFP3IWjsN1UfFaoqFbnYzPj9bxeCVAzTIcgzdgqomDKx6QS+8ov8PYCON0Nxw=="
$> export azure-test_AZURE_STORAGE_ENDPOINT=""

Start the server with the ability to write to MS Azure

Inside the repository, once all the files have been edited, you should be able to start the server and start writing data to MS Azure through CloudServer.

# Start the server locally
$> S3DATA=multiple npm start

Run the server as a docker container with the ability to write to MS Azure

Mount all the files that have been edited to override defaults, and do a standard Docker run; then you can start writing data to MS Azure through CloudServer.

# Start the server in a Docker container
$> sudo docker run -d --name CloudServer \
-v $(pwd)/data:/usr/src/app/localData \
-v $(pwd)/metadata:/usr/src/app/localMetadata \
-v $(pwd)/locationConfig.json:/usr/src/app/locationConfig.json \
-v $(pwd)/conf/authdata.json:/usr/src/app/conf/authdata.json \
-e S3DATA=multiple -e ENDPOINT=http://localhost -p 8000:8000
-d scality/s3server

Testing: put an object to MS Azure using CloudServer

In order to start testing pushing to MS Azure, you will need to create a local bucket in the MS Azure region - this local bucket will only store the metadata locally, while both the data and any user metadata (x-amz-meta headers sent with a PUT object, and tags) will be stored on MS Azure. This example is based on all our previous steps.

# Create a local bucket storing data in MS Azure
$> s3cmd --host= mb s3://zenkontainer --region=azure-test
# Put an object to MS Azure, and store the metadata locally
$> s3cmd --host= put /etc/hosts s3://zenkontainer/testput
 upload: '/etc/hosts' -> 's3://zenkontainer/testput'  [1 of 1]
  330 of 330   100% in    0s   380.87 B/s  done
# List locally to check you have the metadata
$> s3cmd --host= ls s3://zenkobucket
 2017-10-24 14:38       330   s3://zenkontainer/testput

Then, from the MS Azure Console, if you go into your container, you should see your newly uploaded object:

MS Azure Console upload example


Make sure your ~/.s3cfg file has credentials matching your local CloudServer credentials defined in conf/authdata.json. By default, the access key is accessKey1 and the secret key is verySecretKey1. For more informations, refer to our template ~/.s3cfg .

Pre-existing objects in your MS Azure container can unfortunately not be accessed by CloudServer at this time.

For any data backend

From the CloudServer repository



You only need to follow this section if you want to define a given location as the default for a specific endpoint

Edit the restEndpoint section of your config.json file to add an endpoint definition matching the location you want to use as a default for an endpoint to this specific endpoint. In this example, we’ll make custom-location our default location for the endpoint

"restEndpoints": {
    "localhost": "us-east-1",
    "": "us-east-1",
    "cloudserver-front": "us-east-1",
    "s3.docker.test": "us-east-1",
    "": "us-east-1",
    "": "custom-location"